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Eyes, Styes and more Eyes: How Can Homeopathy Help?

Anjum Rahmatulla

A stye occurs when there is a bacterial infection of the oil gland in the eyelid. There is a small but painful bump or lump on or inside your eyelid which looks red and swollen. It is often filled with yellow pus.

A chalazion is a small lump or cyst (fluid filled) that develops in the eye lid because of a blocked oil gland resulting in inflammation. Chalazions can remain for weeks or months, and good eye hygiene is recommended to keep your eyelids free from a build up of debris. A hot compress can often help with inflammation of both styes and chalazions.

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. It is not an infection per se, but is regarded as a reaction to the bacteria that live on the eyelids. This can commonly become a long term condition that recurs.

If you have a tendency to recurrent eye conditions like the above, cleaning your eyelids regularly can really help. But in the long run, constitutional support for you will help to get to a deeper level.


There are many remedies that can help in acute conditions, and you always have to be led by the symptoms that are present and the modalities i.e. what makes the symptoms and the patient feel better and worse. The remedies below are a small selection that you could look at, but remember, if the stye/chalazion/blepharitis does not clear or if it recurs, then your best bet would be to see a professional homeopath who will look at a bigger picture.

PULSATILLA: The styes tend to be in the upper lid and right sided. The discharges are thick, bland, yellow and profuse. The eyes will be very runny especially in the open air. The eyes can feel itchy and have a burning sensation. The patient will be complaining, irritable, tearful, clingy with a changeable mood.

Worse: stuffy rooms, evening, getting feet wet

Better: fresh air, after a good cry, cold applications

STAPHYSAGRIA: The corners of the eyelids are itchy and inflamed. The eye can feel dry. Recurrent styes. Chalazian. The inner canthi might be painful with biting, smarting pain. The start of the stye may well be linked to suppressed anger or strong emotion.

Worse: touching affected part, anger, indignation, grief

Better: warmth, rest

GRAPHITES: Eyelids are dry, red and swollen. Discharge from eyes can have pus or be thin and acrid. Blepharitis.

Worse: warmth of bed, night, artificial light, cold air, motion, during and after menstruation

Better: in the dark, touch, hot drinks

SULPHUR: Burning pains is a feature of Sulphur, and you will see that in the eyes as well. Heat and burning in eyes. Every cold affects the eyes. Cannot bear to have the eyes washed. Symptoms tend to be left sided. Pain can feel splinter-like between lids and eyeball. Burning dryness in eyes. There is a tendency for red faces and red lips, and the discharges are hot, smelly and burning.

Worse: heat, stuffy room, bathing, 11am, milk, standing

Better: open air, motion

LYCOPODIUM: Recurring styes, with stye on lid near the inner canthi. Dryness of eye with smarting between the lids. Pus in mucous. Ulceration and redness of lids.

Worse: 4-8pm, right side, right to left, warmth, eating, wet and stormy weather

Better: cold applications, warm drinks, motion, belching

EUPHRASIA: This is very useful in tincture form to bathe the eye when it is irritated, inflamed and swollen. The eyes water all the time, and the water is burning. Any discharge is thick and burning. The lids are swollen and burning.

Worse: sunlight, wind, indoors, touch, evening

Better: the dark, open air

For tips on potency and dosage, please look here:

And please do contact me for a free chat if you would like to know more about having a full consultation:

Eyebright or Euphrasia Officinalis


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