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Anjum Rahmatulla

G,H,I Remedies for your Homeopathy Kit

This is the third in the alphabetical series of remedies. I had to put 2 remedies in H as |I couldn't decide which to leave out!!


Complaints are brought on by cold, damp weather and come on slowly. Thirstless

For colds/flus where the feeling is dull, dizzy, drowsy.

Fever: Chills up and down back. Wants to be held. Very weak, trembling.

Flu: Chilled, cannot get warm. Complete exhaustion. Heaviness in limbs. The chill moves from the bottom of the back to top of head.

Tonsillitis: Throat is rough and burning. Swollen tonsils. Pain from throat to ear

Worse: damp weather, excitement, bad news

Better: sweating, urinating



A combination of calcium in the oyster shell and burnt flowers of sulphur

Good for boils and abscesses. Best used before the boil has come to a head as it will help drainage.

Affinity with the respiratory system, for croup, loss of voice. Choking, rattling cough brought on by a cold, dry wind. Sore throat with a sensation of a splinter in it. Quinsy.

Worse: getting cold, slightest draft, night, touch, being uncovered.

Better: warmth, covered up.



Great remedy for punctured wounds, bites and stings

Pains are shooting and tearing.

After any type of surgery where nerves are involved: dental, abdominal – anywhere really including fingers and toes.



.This remedy is known for persistent nausea and vomiting. It is also useful for asthmatic symptoms and a suffocative cough. Whooping cough with nosebleed.

Gastric flu: violent and persistent nausea accompany other complaints such as diarrhoea. Chills with bone pains in back and sore, aching legs. Clean tongue.

Cough: Difficult breathing, shortness of breath, blue in the face with coughing. Incessant and violent cough. Rattling cough. Croup. Phlegm difficult to cough up. With nausea and nose bleeds.

Worse: at night, lying down

To read the ABC remedies, look here

To read the DEF remedies, look here

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