Are you and your children on holiday?
Are you out and about a lot? (I know I was when my kids were younger)!
Do you need to pack remedies for your children at summer camp?
For holidays long or short, do you need some tips on what to take with you?
When I went to Greece a few weeks ago, I was concerned about insect bites/stings (for the whole family), sunburn, tummy upsets, travel sickness (for husband), grazes/wounds (for grandson).
I used my travel remedy kit soooo much. It came in SUPER useful!

So I thought I would share some of my favourite remedies with you. You may not have a full kit; you might want to travel light, you may be new to homeopathy - but whatever the reason, I’m keeping it simple and manageable!
I am giving you my 6 favourite remedies for the summer holidays: Ledum, Arsenicum, Hypercal, Calendula. Cocculus and Arnica.
Think of Ledum as your first port of call when there has been a puncture wound due to an animal bite/sting. The affected part will feel cold, swollen and painful and will feel better for cold compresses.
My top remedy is Arsenicum. There will be diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and the person afflicted will be exhausted, anxious and restless. Indigestion with burning heartburn can also respond well to Arsenicum. If someone is ill, wanting company, very demanding, and very chilly at the same time, then Arsenicum is a great shout!
Hypercal tincture/cream is a combination of Calendula and Hypericum, and this combo is superb for topical use for knitting broken skin together, soothing wounds and healing inflammation. Just ensure you have cleaned the affected area of any dirt so it does not get sealed in with the fast action of Hypercal.
If you do not have this cream/tincture, you can use Calendula pillules: crush a couple and dissolve in a glass of water, and then apply it on the affected area. Remember: make sure the area is squeaky clean!
Cocculus is great for motion sickness, whether you are travelling by car or boat or even a train. Nausea, dizziness, faintness and associated headache are the main symptoms that this remedy can help with on your travels.
Arnica is always with me in varying potencies. You can use it for promoting healing from bruising, swelling, inflammation and shock after accidents. Someone needing it for shock is likely to say "I am fine, there is nothing wrong with me".
There are so many other remedies that I have left out to keep the choice simple and manageable.. If you haven’t already, download my free e-book Homeopathic Remedies for Travelling for more remedy choices.
For advice on potency and dosage, look here:
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