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Anjum Rahmatulla

Updated: Feb 19, 2021


Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘like treats like’. For example, if coffee can produce a sleepless state in a person, then in a diluted form, coffee can also be used to help someone who suffers from insomnia. This is quite different from conventional medicine, though there are similarities with how some allergies might be treated.

The backbone of homeopathy is what we call constitutional prescribing. This is when short term measures don’t help to make you better, or they do help, but the problem keeps coming back. The homeopath will try and find a remedy for you that will make you stronger, irrespective of what the problem is, in order to strengthen your constitution. As mentioned in Part 2, the fault line that is representative of our weaknesses, can be brought together and strengthened. So, not only can our physical weaknesses be addressed, but also a balance can be brought about in our mental and emotional states, so that we feel more comfortable with our inner selves. It is not uncommon for homeopaths to hear from their clients, ‘I feel much more like myself’, or ‘I am more comfortable in my skin’ after homeopathic treatment. This is the homeopathic version of holistic!

Homeopathy can also be used for self-limiting problems such as coughs and colds, headaches, injuries and many other things. Arnica is a wonderful example of a remedy that can help someone who has been injured and bruised. A child who bumps their head or gets a nasty bruise while playing sport can be given Arnica pillules to suck, or the bruised area can be soothed with Arnica cream or gel. If you haven’t tried it, bear it in mind for the next time you, or a loved one, falls/bumps or injures themselves. Arnica should not be used on broken skin though. You don’t need to keep taking the remedy; one pillule taken once or twice can be just enough to stimulate the healing response. And the trick is to suck them like a sweetie. If you have never used homeopathy before, it is best to get advice from a professional homeopath before taking any remedies to ensure you know what and how much to take.

Calendula is another useful remedy, but for a different type of injury. For example, if the skin is broken, eg a grazed knee, then diluting a couple of drops of Calendula tincture in a mug of warm water, and then cleaning the wound with it will knit the skin together very well. Calendula cream is also great for nappy rash.

These are just 2 examples of using homeopathy for common complaints. There are a host of remedies that can be used for first aid situations. Contact me if you want to know more or come to one of my talks to learn what these remedies can do.

Please share this information with someone who would be interested or book a 20 minute chat with me if you are interested in Homeopathy.


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