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Is Prevention Better than Cure?

Anjum Rahmatulla

Prevention is a topic that comes up again and again - more recently in the context of flu and it is a little difficult to navigate for the following reason:

Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘Like Treats Like’, so we treat symptoms on appearance, not guesswork. We need to know WHAT symptoms are being experienced in order to find a similar remedy. And no one person has the same symptoms exactly.

So if you DO NOT have flu, that makes it tricky, right?

My response to ‘what can we take to prevent X, Y, Z?’ is: make yourself stronger, build your healing capacity. My way is to use homeopathy, and of course there are other things you can do to augment homeopathy - and I do.

But there are times when prevention has it’s day and time. The Leptospirosis study in Cuba in 2007/8 is a case in point. Anyone heard of it? This was a big study of how to prevent the disease Leptospirosis during the hurricane season, and it was very successful in doing that.

Which brings me to the topic of prevention of Flu/Influenza.


In my readings of the remedies Oscillococcinum and Influenzinum, there is no consistency in whether either remedy is a preventative or used for treatment of flu like symptoms. Both have been used for both purposes. So this has been a good learning exercise for me.

So here is some information on the remedy pictures for both. Using the principle Like Treats Like, they could be very useful for helping with influenza symptoms.

If you want more information on the principles of acute prescribing, have a look here:





Potencies used appear to be 30c to 200C.

This remedy was prepared by Boiron Labs in France and is said to be a preventative for influenza at the start of the illness and also good for taking during convalescence.

Symptoms to look out for:

~ Bursting headaches with throbbing

~ Achy muscles

~ Stuffed nose, sneezing

~ Tympanum of ear swollen, a membrane separating the outer from the middle ear, which transmits sound vibrations. This can lead to hearing difficulties.

~ Conjunctivitis

~ Eye and nasal catarrh

~ Sensitive to weather changes

Worse for: milk, eggs       Better for: heat, rest



Potencies used vary between 12c or 30c upwards. The more intense the symptoms, the higher you can go with potencies.

It is said to clear up colds, but as always, it’s use should be determined by matching symptoms to the patient.

Symptoms to look out for:

~ Eyes feel heavy and stiff

~ Headache

~ Nasal congestion. Sinusitis

~ Laryngitis, pharyngitis, stridor (abnormal, high pitched respiratory sound associated with inspiration)

~ Bronchitis. Cough is dry, painful


I cannot and do not prescribe without details of a person’s history, so I cannot give you a protocol for what to take and how often to take it.

For more information on potency and dosage please look here:


Book a 20 minute introduction call and talk with Anjum about how a consultation will work for and your family:

More information here on the difference between an acute consultation and a full consultation:



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