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Your Voicebox aka Larynx: what to do if you lose your voice!!

Anjum Rahmatulla

Laryngitis is often caused by an infection, usually viral, though it can also be caused by allergies, the overuse of your voice and inhaling fumes such as tobacco smoke.

The larynx is at the top of the windpipe and contains 2 vocal chords which vibrate and allow us to speak, sing and use our voice. It is 5 cms or 2 inches long in an adult. It allows the air we breathe to reach our lungs. You can identify your larynx by the lump in the front of the throat, also called the Adam’s Apple! Still not sure where your larynx is? Wrap your hand around your throat and hum for a few seconds and you will feel your throat vibrate.

Laryngitis means inflammation of the larynx or voice-box, and this means that the voice is affected. Swollen vocal chords vibrate differently, thereby changing the sound of your voice. The voice can sound hoarse or raspy, or sometimes you can also lose your voice. Usually this will clear on its own, as most acute problems do, but occasionally, this can last for longer than a few days or a week.

Here, I have put together 5 remedies that have an affinity to the voicebox and can help if you show acute symptoms such as:

- Hoarse voice

- Loss of voice or a weakened voice

- Raw, tickly feeling in the throat

- Sore, dry throat

- Dry cough with need to clear throat

The above symptoms can be accompanied by feeling unwell, having a fever and a cold. Laryngitis tends to come on quite suddenly. Try and maintain hydration as much as possible, and to keep the air humid. Steam inhalations may help, as will gargling with salt water (difficult with children, so to be avoided). If you are worried it may be serious, do not hesitate to see your GP.


ARGENTUM NITRICUM: Loss of voice by singers. Cough caused by raising the voice. Hoarseness and raw feeling in the windpipe. Suffocative cough as if a hair in throat. Short of breath. Raising the voice causes a cough.

Worse: lying on right side, emotion, anxiety

Better: cold air.

DROSERA: Voice is deep and hoarse. Speaking requires much exertion with the voice coming out cracked and toneless. Sensation as if crumbs in throat, or a feather in the larynx (voicebox). Can be accompanied by a cough on lying down at night. Cough also deep and hoarse. The throat will feel sore, rough and dry.

Worse: lying down, after midnight

Better: sitting up in bed, open air, motion

HEPAR SULPH: People needing Hep-s are extremely chilly and feel the cold intensely. Exposure to a cold, dry wind can lead to loss of voice, hoarseness. Cough can be loose, rattling, choking and gets worse with any exposure to the cold or eating anything cold.

Worse: dry cold winds, slightest draft, the least uncovering

Better: wrapped up, warmth

PHOSPHORUS: Larynx (voicebox) very painful, cannot talk due to the pain. Violent tickling in larynx when speaking. Loss of voice with rawness, worse evenings. Cough on going from warm room to cold air. Burning pains, tightness and heaviness in chest with sense of suffocation in larynx and windpipe.

Worse: twilight, lying on left side, ascending stairs, during thunderstorm.

Better: drinking cold water, cold open air, eating, rubbing.

RUMEX: Windpipe and voicebox feel raw. Eating irritates the voicebox. Exposure to cold can bring on hoarseness which is worse in the evening. Complete loss of voice during violent coughing fits brought on by lying down in the evening. The Rumex cough is dry, spasmodic and suffocative.

Worse: for any change in room temperature, cold air, inhaling

Better: covering mouth, wrapping up.

REMEMBER: if your symptoms do not clear up quickly and you are worried, contact your medical practitioner. You can always contact me for homeopathic help. Link below.

For advice on potency and dosage, have a look here:

You are very welcome to get in touch with me for a free introductory call where you have the opportunity to ask questions. You can book your call here, and I look forward to hearing from you


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