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Anjum Rahmatulla

Warts? There are remedies for that.

Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) and are a skin condition that can be helped successfully with homeopathy.

In a trial reported in the 1991 British Homeopathic Journal, out of 52 cases warts disappeared completely in 47 cases which is a 90% efficacy rate. A number of different remedies were used with every person getting a personalised prescription. Another trial published in 1992 showed no difference between the homeopathic remedies and placebo – but the remedies given were based on a protocol, and not individualised.

Depending on which repertory you use, there are between 140-200 potential remedies that might be used in the homeopathic treatment  of warts. That is a lot of remedies. If there is one remedy that you might have heard of for warts, it is probably Thuja. In my experience, Thuja can help, but I have also seen times when it does not.

Why? Is it because homeopathy does not work? I don’t think so. The reason is that

Homeopathy Does Not Treat Conditions.

We are so used to modern medicine having drugs for all sorts of things that it is difficult to get your head around the fact that Homeopathy DOES NOT treat conditions.

So, how does one find appropriate homeopathic help for warts? You need to look at physical characteristics of the wart PLUS: state of mind, what makes the patient feel better and worse, and other factors (Physical Generals) such as sleep, appetite, thirst, perspiration, bladder and bowels. You then match the patient to the closest remedy. This is what makes homeopathy holistic.

Let’s have a brief look at some remedies now: I am looking at 4 big remedies that might come in useful IF the bigger picture of the patient matches the remedy picture.


THUJA: Prone to warts and other skin eruptions especially in the ano-genital area. Freckles. Blotchy skin. Left sided. People needing this remedy are prone to growths/tumours, and are secretive by nature.


CAUSTICUM: Large warts on tips of fingers, brows, lips and nose that bleed easily. Skin can feel raw, burning. Complaints starting after long lasting grief.

Worse: cold, dry winds           Better: warm, damp, wet weather.


NITRIC ACID: The sphere of action of this remedy is where mucous membranes and the skin meet eg corners of the mouth or the anus. Warts are large and jagged with irregular edges and prone to bleeding. Cauliflower like. Bleeding after washing. Horse smelling urine. Rebellious personality.

Worse: cold and hot weather.


ANT CRUD: Warts are scaly, dry, thick. Prone to gastro-intestinal disturbances and over eating. Thick, milky white tongue. Great drowsiness with complaints.

Worse: heat, washing                       Better: open air, rest

For Dosage and Potency guidelines, have a look here:

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