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What is Homeopathy?

Anjum Rahmatulla

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Is homeopathy the same as….. er

….Reflexology? Vitamins? Naturopathy? Osteopathy? Supplements? Counselling?

Can you think of other ‘opathies’??

Well, whatever else you may think of, the answer is NO. Homeopathy is none of the above..

Yes, it is holistic, yes it is natural, yes it is energy medicine and yes, it looks at the body/mind as a whole.


1. What is homeopathy?

It is a system of natural medicine based on the principle of ‘like treats like’. Any substance that can create ‘dis-ease’ can be used to treat similar symptoms in someone who is unwell. Example: you drink too much coffee and end up having insomnia. The coffee bean, the original substance used to make coffee, can be made into a natural homeopathic remedy that can then be used to treat that insomnia. It may not be the only substance that can induce insomnia. There are others, and all we need to know is what effects different substances can have on the human body/mind in order to use it effectively for bringing the body/mind into harmonious balance.

2. How are remedies made?

It is a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking). Starting from liquid or ground substances, water and alcohol are added in specific amounts by pharmacists to generate different strengths of the remedy. To make a remedy, both dilution and succussion are vital. There are low potencies like 6x, slightly higher potencies like 6c, 30c, stronger potencies are 200c and 1M and more.

3. How does homeopathy work?

There is no agreed scientific mechanism yet that explains definitively how homeopathy works. Yet, millions of people across the world have been using it for 2 centuries and more. It works for animals and babies, so I don’t buy the placebo argument. If something works for you, do you actually need science to back that up?? Can't you trust yourself?

My take on it:

Homeopathy is energy medicine. For the most part, the remedies have no molecular structure to them. They work by stimulating our immune capacity/our defence mechanism/ our healing ability – whatever you like to call it, and has a ripple effect on the physical, mental and emotional level.

4. How does the first consultation go?

This is a conversation between a homeopath and client. Many questions are asked: the main complaints, health history, family health history, sleep pattern, food likes/dislike, thirst, weather preferences, personality profile, fears, anger, traumas, passions. All this information is important to build a profile of the person so that a similar remedy can be found to help them. After the consultation, the homeopath studies the information received and then decides a prescription. Once the client takes their remedy/remedies, it is usual to wait for a few weeks to let the remedies do their work. It can take time because prescribing for the person is a process.

5. How does a follow up go?

After a period of 4-6 weeks, the remedy reaction needs to be assessed. That is when a follow up consultation is required. Here the homeopath asks questions about any changes that may have occurred. The changes could be in the physical or mental/emotional level. The questions are detailed and thorough. This enables a decision on either staying with the same remedy/ changing the remedy/ doing nothing/ discussing life style changes. Your homeopath should explain what they are doing and why.

6. How long does the treatment last?

This will depend on the problem, how long you have had it for, your family history, your general health over the years, what treatments you have had in the past.

So in conclusion, homeopathy IS holistic, stimulates your own healing potential, safe, non-toxic, non pharmaceutical, green and sustainable. There is a lot going for it, isn't there?!

I offer a free 20 minute introductory chat if you want to explore whether homeopathy is appropriate for you now and to find out about how I work. Please click on the link below:


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